Antec Two Hundred
Jun 29th, 2010 | By ChrisThe following system configuration will be used to test the Two Hundred’s cooling capabilities:
- DFI Infinity RS382
- AMD Athlon X2 3800 w/ stock heat sink
- 4x1GB DDR-400
- Seagate Barracuda 80GB 3.5″
- Windows 7 Premium 32 bit
For the test, I will allow the system to idle for three hours. Temperatures will be recorded. Then, I will stress the system with two instances of Stress Prime 2004 for another three hours, and recorded the temperatures again. Here are the competitors:
- Antec Two Hundred
- GMC H-80
- NZXT Gamma
- NZXT Lexa S
- Cooler Master Cosmos 1000
- nMedia BAV280
The ambient room temperature is 23 degrees Celsius.
Here are the results:

The Two Hundred performs decently, with CPU temperatures only two degrees behind the GMC H-80, and the Case Ambient Temperatures only two degrees behind the tied leaders, the NZXT Lexa S and Cooler Master Cosmos 1000. This isn’t bad, as CPU temperatures are down four degrees when compared to the nMedia BAV280, and down five degrees when compared to the Case Ambient temperature of the NZXT Gamma.

After being under SP2004′s gun for three hours, the system starts to sweat, and temperatures start to be pushed. The Two Hundred accommodates the CPU to a 49 degrees; only one degree behind the Cooler Master Cosmos 1000 and GMC H-80, and tied with the NZXT Lexa S and the NZXT Gamma. The Case Ambient Temperatures, however, are a different story. The Two Hundred falls four degrees behind the leaders, the Cosmos 1000 and Lexa S, but is redeemed by the fact that it’s a full nine degrees cooler than the BAV280, and four degrees cooler than the Gamma. Not bad. As for noise temperatures, I can honestly say I was able to sleep with the system running four feet from where I sleep, and I’m a very light sleeper. I think that’s saying something.