Samsung ML-1630 Laser Printer

May 15th, 2008 | By Anthony

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Samsung ML-1630 Laser Printer

: 05/15/08 – 07:08:36 AM


: Printers

Page 1 : Introduction

Since the very beginning, the field of computer electronics and personal computing has been dominated by a continuous cycle of change, this of course is nothing new. Following the widespread distribution of personal computers into the common household, its integration has been anything short of relentless, sweeping up those who welcomed it with open arms, while dragging those who unwillingly resisted along. Technology has always been the pervasive, predictable, yet sequential process of obsoleteness. But, this is, precisely the heart and soul of consumer electronics. While each fallen form factor, each shelved medium, and each irrelevant format will always hold some utilitarian value, technologically, they are of disuse. I am by no means suggesting that we return to the figurative dark ages, but I speak of this in an allegorical sense. Seldom are things left untouched by the far reaching effects of technology. While the limitations reached by hardware are continually lifted, it is the user integration of technology that often lags behind.

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Integration is an encompassing of quite a number of subjects, one of which being aesthetics. While for the most part, the market is at no shortage of wonderfully designed gadgetry, but where beauty seems to have shriveled is with printers.

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If you have not already guessed, today we will be looking at a printer from our friends at Samsung! It is odd to begin a review with a concluding statement, but there is no question, Samsung's glossy ML-1630 monochrome printer is a work of beauty.

Page 2 : Features & Specifications

Here is what Samsung has to say about the ML-1630 laser printer:

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While I truly can not imagine that a printer could single handily redefine one's life, it is an attractive piece which is bound to enhance any workspace.

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In terms of specifications, Samsung's ML-1630 isn't exactly cutting edge- average specifications with an average set of features.

Page 3 : Package & Contents

The ML-1630 printer comes packed within a white cardboard boxed, decorated with furnishings to make any fan if minimalist décor envious.

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Like always, there is no shortage of reading material. The side panels outline features, specifications, compatibility information, and in multiple languages.

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Opening the unit up, Samsung has included a typical bundle of accessories: documentation, software, cables, and of course, the ML-1630 printer itself!

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The ML-1630 printer is not a conventionally sized unit, it has a rather large footprint, but it maintains an incredibly slim profile. Clad in glossy black, and illuminated by subtle blue LEDs along with an OLED display, the ML-1630 is bound to be a conversation starter.

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At Overclockers Online, we have taken a look at quite a number of Samsung printers including a number of multifunction laser printers intended for the office environment. This however, is not intended for the office environment. If the low capacity tray is not enough of a giveaway, this unit is also not equipped with network capabilities. Thus, the ML-1630, good looking as it is, simply would not be suitable for any shared environment such as an office. Nevertheless, the ML-1630 would fit quite nicely acting as a home printer.

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Stowed away in the front, is the paper tray. The tray holds a maximum of approximately 100 sheets which is little, but some tradeoffs must be made for the slim profile.

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Just as cleverly hidden away is the toner cartridge!

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Page 4 : Installation

Before we begin printing off some documents, we will first take a quick look at the software side of things.

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For the sake of this review, we will stick with standard installation options.

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The included software provides little functionality beyond the basic drivers allowing. Unlike quite a number of printers on the market, the included software does not come with all the bloat.

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Page 5 : Testing & Conclusion

It isnt often that we look at just a printer- our test candidates usually come with a longer list of credentials than mere printing.

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Conveniently, I had quite a number of documents that needed to print, so over the span of a few days, I proceeded to print off hundreds of sheets!

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So let's tie this all together. The ML-1630 is by purpose a laser monochrome printer, nothing more. The print quality is great, but the same can be said with any other laser printer as well. The speed is also nothing truly impressive, but on par with your typical monochrome laser printer as well.

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But the middle to low one hundred dollar range, what you are paying for is entirely aesthetics. While the value of aesthetics alone varies depending on person to person, we can agree that looks amounts to some worth, and looks do go far. There is no doubt the ML-1630 is a gorgeous looking printer and while it falls short in terms of functionality and features. Overall however, the ML-1630 monochrome laser printer is another solid offering by Samsung. It was also never set out to be an all-in-one office work horse. Instead, the ML-1630 printer might be found in a much more domestic environment, such as the home.


  • Well designed

  • Quiet
  • Good print quality


  • Price

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