ATI Radeon 9000 PRO

Aug 29th, 2002 | By | Category: Reviews
ATI is a company that we all know because of their excellent video cards. Today, Overclockers Online is looking at the Radeon 9000 PRO, the ultimate low-budget video card out there! How does it perform? How does it overclock?

Swiftech MCX4000 VS Alpha 8942

Aug 26th, 2002 | By | Category: Reviews
With the P4 being a great overclocker, people are in the market for a good heatsink. Swiftech and Alpha are considered as some of the best heatsink manufacturers out there, so O² puts both of them in the ring … Fight!

Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW AMD760MPX

Aug 23rd, 2002 | By | Category: Reviews
Dual processor system are hot nowadays, especially since the day AMD released their AthlonMP CPU. Today, Overclockers Online takes a look at one of the most promising dual socketA motherboards out there: the Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW.

Hercules 3D Prophet 4800

Aug 11th, 2002 | By | Category: Reviews
We're proud to present one of the first reviews of a new product from Hercules! We took their 3D Prophet 4800 for a spin! The card is based on the 'new' Kyro2 SE chipset and is aimed towards the budget customers …

Gainward GeForce4 Pro/450 TV

Aug 5th, 2002 | By | Category: Reviews
Today we present you another videocard review for your reading pleasure. This time we take a look at a GeForce4 MX card from Gainward. Come on in and see how this videocard stacks up against other GeForce4 cards …