By now, Ultra hardly needs an introduction, not only do they produce an enormous range of products, but quite a few different series of power supplies as well. Today, power supplies are more than just performance, features, aesthetics, noise level and other small details along with cost also hold weight in the decision. After all, there are plenty of affordable, yet excellent performing power supplies readily available.
Over the last year, we here at Overclockers Online have taken a look at a number of Ultra power supplies including the X-Pro 600W, a few from the X-Finity series, and of course, the X2 power supply. Despite Ultra's fixation with the 'X' prefix, and the undertone of resentment from the public when it comes to all things labelled extreme, Ultra has in a way earned the right to use extreme in its labelling by providing high end power supplies at affordable prices while not looking like a prehistoric (in the technological sense) grey box.
The X3 series comes in four flavours, 600W, 800W, 1000W, and an astounding 1600W. We wont be looking at the 1600W or 600W today, but we will be looking at the 800W and 1000W which should be sufficient for most, in the overly generous sense or incredibly excessive for most computer systems. But, then again, overclocking isn't about the average computer system, but instead a step back from complete hardware failure.