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Biostar is back today with their new TPower series with the latest SLI chipset for AMD processors. The TPower N750 brings loads of features and SLI at a great price.
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Biostar's T-Series has always had an emphasis on performance and value. The TF7150U-M7 hopes to increase value by integrating the MCP73/GeForce 7150 chip from NVIDIA. How does it perform? Read on to find out.

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Palit 9600GSO Sonic 768MB
06/5/08 - 02:21:53 AM -

Although the 9600GSO *is* the newest addition to NVIDIAs ninth generation, it isnt exactly as new as one might think. The standard 9600GSO shares all of the same specifications as does the 8800GS, which came out in January of this year. Although the under-reviewed 8800GS did not weigh down many North American hardware shelves, in Europe this card obtained a slightly more noticeable reputation as a less expensive, well-performing, sort-of 8800 GT Lite, with significant overclocking potential. While being re-packaged as 9600 GSO might annoy those who believe they are getting the latest product still hot out of NVIDIAs fabs, this card nonetheless has a combination of enticing specifications that could point towards a gaming bargain.

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