Current Reviews
OC Online
If you don't have the room for a full tower case, but still want the quality of a larger case, the Kublai series from Silverstone might be just the right fit for you.
OC Online
When building a HTPC, silence often takes precedence over performance. The HD 3450 Silence from HIS excels in being quiet and boasts a slew of features that make it worthy of having "HD" in its name.
OC Online
Want to keep your CPU cool and quiet? Can Zalman's latest silent cooler, the CNPS7500-CU LED accomplish such a feat? I hope to find out, read on to see.



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NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) v4.0 Released...
03/30/08 - 10:51:17 AM -

MVKTech has just released a new version of NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) software. NiBiTor is the original and defenitive BIOS tweaker that supports the latest NVIDIA graphics cards. NiBiTor allows graphics card enthusiasts to have full control over advanced features and functionality found on firmware on supporting cards. This to gain some extra performance, enable hidden features and extra stability on the NVIDIA graphics cards.

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