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Samsung YP-P2 03/4/08 - Comments (0)

The Samsung P2 audio player combines style and functionality by using a touch screen interface and an impressive set of features. With the P2 being Samsung's new flagship audio player, this is one unit that is sure to turn some heads away from Apple.
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Hard drives are often forgotten in terms of cooling, but Ultra is looking to remedy your overheating hard drive with an attractive aluminum cooler. Read on to find out more.
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What do you get when you mix two HD3870s, 1GB of GDDR3 memory, and only one PCB? An HIS HD3870X2 single card dual graphics processor that equals the power of two HD3870s in CrossFire all in one tidy little package. Alright, so it isn't that little...


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Custom built fragging goodness
03/3/08 - 12:45:20 PM -

SNIP: So you like to play games a lot of games. You want a powerful machine but just dont have the time to research all the different parts. You also prefer to have a company standing behind you in the case something goes wrong. Youve been to the popular boutique builders and you quickly realize if you are going to game on one of their systems you will probably need that arm and leg they are asking for. So what do you do and where do you turn? Here at Bjorn3D we recognize that not everyone wants to build their own machine. Some people prefer to order one and be done with it. For those of you that just want to game on some of the latest hardware and have it pushed to the absolute limits have I got a treat for you. To help usher in a new era of system reviews here at Bjorn 3D is with a lot of excitement that I introduce to you �berclok and their ION gaming machine. Dont worry if you have never heard of �berclok because they are a new to the field but when you hear what they offer you will feel right at home.

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