Current Reviews
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Noctua NH-U12P 03/15/08 - Comments (0)

The tower-style heatpipe-equipped CPU cooler has become ubiquitous and several manufacturers have adopted the design. So what sets the Noctua NH-U12P from the rest of the pack? For one, the excellent NF-P12 fan is included but there's more.
OC Online
Out with the old and in with the new...or in this case, in with the more. A shift in performance memory has begun and it is steam rolling a path through a large number of users computers. That change has been the adaptation of 2x2GB DDR2 memory in favor of 2x1GB kits.
OC Online
In spite of all the brilliant technological advancements we have seen in the last few decades, we have yet to address a simple grievance: tangled cables. BlueLounge is here today with their Cable YoYo POP to tackle this very problem!


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Lite-On LH-20A1S 20x DVD+/- RW Drive
01/14/08 - 10:56:41 PM -

RW Drive. Below is a direct quote from the review: With all of this ballyhoo about HD-DVD-this and Blu-Ray-that, its easy to forget that regular old DVDs and even our old faithful CDs are still quite posh. Not only is your box nearly unusable without some sort of compact disc reader for software, but most forms of entertainment such as movies and music still sells predominantly on these old formats of DVD and CD.

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