Current Reviews
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The Samsung SCX-5635FN is the latest monochrome multifunctional printer made by Samsung. It boasts a simplex speed of 35ppm and a duplex of 18. Coupled with a precision scanner, automatic document feeder and fax machine, this all-in-one will more than improve productivity at the office.
OC Online
Cooler Master's Hyper 212 Plus by name might seem like a slight revision from the Hyper 212, but this tower cooler brings quite a few new features to the table. Click inside to find out if this is the performance cooler for your CPU.
OC Online
The Noctua NH-U12P SE2 is the successor to the NH-U12P which was well-received by the press. The SE2 is more compatible and includes two NF-P12 fans. Does this make an already great CPU cooler even better? Read on to find out!

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21564 eigenkreation im test powercolor pcs+ radeon
01/28/10 - 01:00:35 AM -

Since AMD released the design specs for Radeon HD 5000 graphics cards it was just a matter of time, when completely own designs show up in the shops. Powercolor starts with the PCS+ Radeon HD 5850 with own PCB, higher clock speeds and alternative cooling solution.

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