Unlike many other companies Synology keeps to their word of being environmentally friendly with a very simple package. The brown cardboard box doesn't have fancy color graphics or logos. It is a generic Synology box and what differentiates this package from any of the other models is the sticker indicating a DS209 is inside.

Synology DS209 Synology DS209

A handle integrated into the body of the box allows you to carry the DS209 around without an extra plastic bag.

Synology DS209

With nothing unique on the box let's jump to the contents. We have a power cord and an accessory box sitting in the inside. Inside the accessory box we have the power pack, network cable, installation disk and quick install guide as well as some spare screws. My sample came with two hard drives pre-installed and there what's missing is the hard drive mounting screws, serial ATA cable and serial ATA power cable.

Synology DS209 Synology DS209

The DS209 is protected by soft foam and sits inside a foam bag to prevent scratches to the white chassis during shipment.

Synology DS209

Let's take a quick look at the features and specifications before completing a thorough tour of the DS209.

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