The Gamer line from GELID is signified by the green color theme and this is very apparent in the simple, yet effective, packaging. The front is designed to attract attention, thanks especially to the fact that you can see the actual tube of GC-1; an applicator is also included. In large text, we see the GC-1 billed as a "high performance thermal compound". Furthermore, we have a list of a few features and graphics showing awards that the GC-1 has won.

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Flip the package over and we get more information. Specifications can be found as well as snippets from other reviews praising the GC-1. There is even a chart comparing the GC-1 to the ubiquitous Arctic Silver 5.

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Though we saw these already through the well-designed package, the contents are comprised of just the 5g tube of GC-1 and the applicator which has a sticker featuring GELID's logo.

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Since the package did not go into too much detail about the features and specifications, let's take a closer look at those now.

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