The OCZ Gold Series SDHC comes in a standard blister package, far too excessive in my mind. The cardboard insert shows a few key pieces of information but the memory card itself takes up approximately 1/9th of area. In a day and age where cost cutting is important, this packaging is a prime place to shave a few cents.


The back of the package have some good information, but nothing we can't find online. The best piece of information here is the capacity chart, showing how many photos or how long of a video can be recorded with the 8GB OCZ SDHC Gold.


The blister package is heat sealed along the edge; you will need a good sharp knife or a pair of scissors to open it up. Once you do, you can pull out the SDHC card and its protective case. The card looks exactly like every other SDHC card on the market.

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On the front side of the card we have a label showing OCZ's name, the product family and the capacity. Directions on which way to insert and how-to write protect the card are also printed on the label. The back of the card is etched with the serial number, capacity and class rating. The contacts on the card are gold plated in color, how fitting for its name.

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Here's a quick look at the sliding lock to write protect the memory card.


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