I'll begin our tour with the packaging and accessories.

As you can see the front and back are identical. There is a large picture of the case along with a few highlighted features in three different languages. Prominently displayed are the case name and also the fact that it is the Water Cooling Ready Edition.

Much like the front and back, the sides are identical. On the sides are a short list of specifications and features along with a view of the inside of the case.

Removing the box, you can see that the case is enclosed in a plastic bag with styrofoam encasing the top and bottom. Pretty standard but effective protection; if it's not broken, don't fix it.

The box of accessories is zip tied inside the case securely and contains the following: 3 different bags of screws and standoffs, a bag of rubber hard drive grommets and wire guides, a 3 pin fan power extension and Intel Xeon backplate. The instruction sheet unfolds with instructions in several different languages.